Sebastián E. Ramos-Onsins is a Researcher in the Centre of Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) located in the near to Barcelona (Spain). The CRAG is placed in the campus of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), which has obtained the title of Campus of International Excellence. The University offers interesting PhD programs in Genetics and in Biodiversity. Furthermore, a master in Bioinformatics held in the UAB includes an important evolutionary content.
We are interested in the study of wild and domestic species from an evolutionary perspective, specifically from a population genetics point of view. The team is part of the Numerical Genomics Group. The team is included in the CRAG structure as a part of the Statistical and Population Genomics Group, which is included in the Plant and Animal Genomics Program.

Full address
Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB
Plant and Animal Genetics Program
Despatx 307, Edifici CRAG, Campus UAB
08193 Bellaterra, SPAIN
Phone: +34 93 563 6600 Ext 3348
Fax: +34 93 563 66 01